Ingenieurs Australia Society Inc
– Professional Engineers Invited to Join
After being present on LinkedIn for a number of years as the “Ingenieurs Australia Society – for All Australian Professional Engineers” group, the Society has also now commenced regular Australia wide based activities during 2024, after Incorporating in Victoria as a Not for Profit Association a few years ago. If you wish to be a member of the IngAust Society Inc please read on!
Now that the Covid 19 pandemic has abated and public meetings are allowed, the Society, exclusively for Professional Engineers, will be holding regular multi-disciplinary technical seminars, mainly via Zoom and some public meetings, for CPD purposes and membership networking covering all of the engineering disciplines. We shall focus on subjects relevant and important to the future of Australia and the engineering profession. Our seminars will give you the opportunity to network and meet colleagues and make new friends across a broad range of ages and experience. The purposes of the association are to act as a Fraternal, Learned, Community Service and Public Relations society to enhance Australian Professional Engineers and promote them within Australia and Internationally. This while acting as the unifying society for all Australian Professional Engineers, regardless of other professional organisations to which they belong such as Engineers Australia (EA) and the Association of Professional Engineers Australia (APEA, a division of Professionals Australia). The Society’s overall aim is to help Professional Engineers in developing a sustainable world.
The Society’s membership fees are being kept low to encourage all Professional Engineers to join.
As an Incorporated Association we are required to have a register of members and their details. If you do wish to be a member and part of the IngAust Society please email the following details to the Secretary, IngAust Society at:
Please copy page 1 of the form below, save it as a Word document, print it out, fill it out by hand, scan it and email it to the Secretary, IngAust Society at <> as an attachment. The form includes things like your full name, date of birth, mailing address, email address, contact phone number, engineering qualifications held and institution where obtained. Also, if you are a current or past member of Engineers Australia, then your current membership level or highest past membership level, such as GradIEAust, would also be appreciated.
If you have difficulty with copying and using the application form below just send an email to the Secretary, IngAust Society at <> and we will email an application form to you.
This is an exciting phase of our activities and by sending your details we will be able to contact you directly with information about upcoming events. (Personal Details will of course be kept confidential and within the Society.)
We look forward to you being a part of our Society.
Ing. Kelvin Lillingstone-Hall,
FIEAust, FIngAust, CPEng(Ret),
Ingenieurs Australia Society Inc.